Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Headlands; this includes pupils, staff, parents, volunteers...EVERYONE.
Our curriculum explicitly teaches pupils how to keep safe. Regular, planned reminders are also shared during lessons, Collective Worship, assemblies or through inviting visitors in to school.
Pupils are taught a variety of ways to alert an adult if they feel worried, sad or upset.
Everybody in school takes health and safety very seriously. If you see anything of concern, or something which could be improved, please mention it to a member of staff.
We follow all Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures and have adopted their model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. You can view this policy by accessing our school policies page or by clicking on the link within this page.
All of our school staff receive regular safeguarding training.
Mrs Lord is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mr O'Dwyer, Mrs Cowling, Mrs Lewis and Mrs France are Deputy Safeguarding Leads.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leaders are available to listen to any concerns or worries that you may have. You can contact them through the main school office.
Tel: 01924 767066
If you have immediate concerns about any child or young person in Kirklees, we would urge you to contact the Children’s Social Care – Duty and Advice Team directly on 01484 456848.
There is also a wealth of useful information and guidance for parents, carers and professionals on the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership website which can be accessed by following the link below:
Home – KSCP (
We are proud to be an Operation Encompass school.
Headlands CE JIN School also recognises that safeguarding against radicalisation and terrorism is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability.
School uses the Kirklees PREVENT Strategy. The aim of PREVENT is to safeguard and support young people and adults who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. For more information on the Kirklees PREVENT Strategy please click the link below.
Online Safety
Click below to find out more about online safety and view some of our advice for parents.