Headlands CE School has many policies which are regularly reviewed. School policies are an essential part of every school. The main policy documents can be accessed below. If you would like a hard copy of these or any other policies, please request them via the school office.
Our Policies
- Accessibility Plan May 2024.pdf
- Administration of Medication and Education of Pupils with Medical Conditions
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy September 2024.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy May 2024.pdf
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school.pdf
- Collective Worship June 2024.pdf
- Confidentiality Policy
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy
- Equality Policy April 24.pdf
- Exclusions and suspensions Policy.pdf
- Feedback and Marking Policy
- First Aid Policy May 2024.pdf
- Headlands CE JIN Complaints Policy and Procedures October 2024.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy Jan 24.pdf
- Homework Policy
- Induction Policy.pdf
- Online Safety Policy 2024.pdf
- Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints
- Positive Handling Policy April 2024.pdf
- Relationship and Behaviour Policy April 2024.pdf
- RSHE policy May 2024.pdf
- Safeguarding Policy 2023-24.pdf
- SEND Policy May 2024.pdf
- Teaching and Learning Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy