Writing at Headlands follows an agreed writing cycle in each phase.
KS1 Writing cycle
KS2 Writing cycle
By following this cycle, and by using high quality texts as a stimulus, we ensure children develop approaches to thinking like a reader and thinking like a writer when approaching their writing. Each text is selected carefully and subject specific terminology and grammar are taught throughout writing. This is an agreed approach in every year in school and we ensure that every child experiences the same learning journey as they progress through school.
An example learning journey can be seen below which creates clear progression for children as they move through the curriculum. The curriculum is based on reading, writing and grammar knowledge and teacher use our school sentence progression to ensure children learn the right steps at the right time.
Example learning journey can be found in the document below:
Texts are selected to celebrate diversity, link to our wider curriculum, create a sense of knowledge around writerly techniques and inspire our pupils!