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Headlands C of E (C) Junior, Infant and Nursery School home page

Headlands C of E Junior Infant & Nursery School

Growing a loving, happy and flourishing community.

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Our Curriculum

‘Growing a loving, happy and flourishing community’


Headlands'  School Vision

Through diverse, inspiring and memorable experiences we nurture resilient and creative learners to help them flourish within our local and global community. Our Christian values of love, joy and friendship teach us to cherish the uniqueness of each person, supporting all to live life in its fulness.


As with all aspects of school, our curriculum is shaped by our Christian vision.  We are inspired by Jesus promise ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’  (John 10:10).  And we understand the impact we have within our local and global community and strive to 'love our neighbours’ as ourselves (Matthew 22: 37-39).


Therefore, it is our intention to ensure that our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to flourish as a result of:

  • Rich and vibrant learning which enables ALL pupils to know more, do more and remember more.
  • Embracing opportunity – our inclusive curriculum inspires ALL learners to hold high aspirations for their future.
  • Developing responsible citizens and courageous advocates where pupils understand that they CAN and WILL make a difference


How do we organise our curriculum?

Early Years – Nursery and Reception

In Early Years our children start on what we hope will be their life-long journey of discovery, exploration and learning as they become increasingly curious about the world around them. We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) working towards children meeting the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Reception year. We are committed to play-based, active learning which fosters a sense of enquiry, a thirst for knowledge and gives children the resilience and skills to become confident, independent learners.

The curriculum is organised so that children learn through a combination of independent and focused activities. The balance between these shifts as the children progress through the Reception year in readiness for Key Stage 1. In Reception, phonics, reading, writing and maths are taught through adult-led activities in discrete lessons and have the opportunities to practise their newly-acquired skills in our carefully planned and resourced areas of provision. These early basic skills are crucial in unlocking a whole world of learning. On-going observation of the children’s attainment and progress informs our planning and their ‘next steps’. We plan for individual needs, different learning styles and the interests of the children.


Key Stage 1 and 2

 From Year 1 onwards, all pupils follow a broad and relevant and progressive curriculum which consists of the core and foundation subjects in the National Curriculum and is further tailored to the school’s ethos and our community. Our curriculum in Key Stages 1 and 2 consists of all the subjects of the National Curriculum as a solid base: English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology, Computing, Geography, History, Music, Art, Physical Education, Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education. French and musical instruments are taught at Key Stage 2. As we prepare children to ‘live life in all its fullness’  and to be able to make positive choices about their own lives, we value our PSHE curriculum through which mental and physical health, wellbeing and relationships are explored. We also place particular emphasis on spiritual, moral and cultural development which is interwoven through the curriculum as are opportunities to explore Christian Values and their place within modern Britain and the wider world. 

As a Church of England school, RE is a core subject and plays a major role in our distinctive curriculum. Pupils of all religious traditions and those of no religious background make up our school community. RE engages us with some of the big questions of meaning and purpose in life and develops an understanding of what followers of a religion believe and how those beliefs shape the lives of individuals, communities and wider society.  This sets out a strong basis for promoting a culture of tolerance and respect.

Each area of the curriculum is taught discreetly.  Core subjects are taught daily (English and maths) or weekly (Science, PE, RE). Foundation subjects are either taught weekly or blocked into half terms and taught intensively as a half termly ‘curriculum driver’.  Key learning from foundation subjects may also be referred to or developed in core areas; this gives more opportunity for skills to be mastered and knowledge remembered.

Learning is well sequenced and progressive. Each lesson begins with an opportunity to ‘check’ retention of previous learning which gives children the opportunity to retrieve previous knowledge and this becomes the starting point for learning. Teachers use ongoing formative assessments to judge how well children are meeting learning objectives so that they can judge the direction of their teaching to ensure children are meeting their potential. 

Summative assessments are used periodically to ensure children are making overall progress from their starting points.  Core subjects are assessed termly so that attainment is monitored and progress checked.  Non-core areas are quantified at the end of each unit of work, where assessments are made against key knowledge and unit outcomes. The outcomes of assessments and knowledge checks are used to inform future learning.  Leaders also use this information to ensure that cohorts and groups of children are achieving well.   


Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is used throughout the school as a tool to develop the skills to become engaged and resilient learners. We teach the children to embrace mistakes in learning, foster an understanding that we can all improve our knowledge and skills through purposeful effort, accepting feedback from our peers and staff members and a positive attitude without comparing ourselves to others.


Inclusion and Disadvantage

Central to our ethos is recognising the special worth of every child. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of school and the curriculum is designed with the flexibility to be accessed by all children; whatever their need of ambition.

We seek to identify as early as possible where children require enhanced levels of provision, access or support and follow a graduated response to their need valuing the involvement of parents.

We also seek to fill the gaps in children lives which can arise as a result of disadvantage for variety of reasons.  We recognise the need for all staff to know children well so that there is a shared understanding of how they can best be supported day to day.



Across each year thought is given to memorable and hands on experiences to enrich learning and life. This includes visits out of school and visitors in school to inspire children with first hand experiences and accounts. Planned ‘one off’ events and engagement with the local community are often the things that the children value highly.  These things range from action packed residential trips, visits to places of interest, opportunities to perform and present and taking part in community events and supporting local traditions.


To find out more about the curriculum our school is following please visit the subject pages or contact Mr Jonathan O’Dwyer (Deputy Headteacher).