Safeguarding – Blue Whale Game
Be Aware – The Blue Whale Game
The following has originated from a Police Safer Schools Officer in Leeds.
The Blue Whale game is a dangerous game that is popular at the moment in Russia and spreading across Eastern Europe.
The game is played online and spreads through social media.
Players are appointed a “master/teacher” and these “masters/teachers” challenge the players in stages, to tattoo a Blue Whale somewhere on the body, usually the arm or the leg. As the game goes on the players are encouraged to self-harm and the final challenge is to commit suicide.
All these actions have to be filmed and shared via social media to the so called “master/teacher”. The game is being played by children of all ages, some as young as primary age, but predominantly by teenagers.
Apparently this game has been mentioned on the Romanian News due to the seriousness of the consequences.
This obviously sets a worrying trend and the game has already been mentioned at a school in Leeds.
Please be aware of what games/APPs your child is engaging with when playing online.